New Scoops

New Scoops

Greetings Listeners! A New radio show this thursday !

As you certainly know, Blood Shanti will perform this saturday in Brugges at the Dub Revoltion dance. So we’ll make a little focus about that with an interview recorded by Seb from the Soul Driver radio show. We’ll also spread a lot of new tunes/releases from dubmakers and labels from all over the world. The first one is from Emana Records (Lille). They releasead a 12inch in collaboration with Mr Zebre, Si I leen, Councious Tribe and many more artists. We’ll play the three latests releases from Vibronics on Scoops Records . He worked with Councious Sounds & Russ Disciples inna King Tubby style! We won’t forget the upcoming 7inch from Dub Invasion records (Italia) : a nice combination between Wish Nadada, Mad Codiouf and Humble Brother. And of course, we’ll play the last release from Rootikal Attack. This one is featuring Mr Zebre again and El Fata. We’ll listen some tunes from a young dubmaker called Alex Hifi as well!

In the second part of the show, we’ll play a Reggae Dub selection mixed Joka Jeff ! We’ll play some dubplates from beljam and europe… Dub it!

Be carrefull cause we’ll have some tickets to give for the upcoming Au Quai Dub#4 dance with Stepper Allianz!

Let’s tune at 9.30 PM on Radio Panik!


and the mix:

posted by Jeff in RADIO SHOW,Podcasts,Reservoir Dubcast and have No Comments

NEWS : Au Quai Dub#4

Au Quai Dub 4

Au Quai Dub 4

Come and enjoy our next dance. We’ll do it again at Collectif Au Quai with Stepper Allianz as special guest!

Be sure to skank all night 🙂

Line Up :

—>Stepper Allianz ( fr)

–>Reservoir Dub
ft Jokah Jeff (sélection, Ichman (mic)
–>Gamma Sound (2 scoops)
ft. Hi Fif and N-Tone
–>Warm up by AVL!
and guests…

venue : Collectif AuQuai
adress : 23 Quai du hainaut, 1080 Brussels
Price : 6 euros

Event Facebook : www.facebook.com/events/454665668051073/

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RADIO SHOW 11.02.16. With Special guests : HIGH & IRIE

High and irie

High and irie

Greetings Listeners! A New radio show this thursday !

Hign and irie is a crew from Brussels and Louvain La neuve including dj’s, producers, soundmens. Tey builded their own and clean soundsystem which is powering a lot of differents parties : dub, jungle, drum&bass, balkan, etc.

As usual, our guest will delevery a special mix tonight after the interview. And they will bring some of their productions.

Check the fanpage : www.facebook.com/highniriesoundsystem/?fref=ts

Check the soundcloud : soundcloud.com/highnirie-sound-system


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Atomic Spliff

Atomic Spliff

New Podcast online!

Follow the link just below to listen our interview with the reggae live band from Litch (Be) called Atomic Spliff & the Rebel dubz ! Mighty Mat interviewed them at the Jamaica Funk party (05/12/2015) @ Atelier 210 (Brussels) for their last show alongside Prince Fatty, Horseman, and Flavia Coelho. It’s been a long time we wanted to invite them at the Panik Radio station, but our roads have crossed on a other musical junction !

Big Up Daddy Cookiz and Stoneman for the energy and the good vibes!
This interview was recorded and edited by Mighty Mat, and broadcasted on Radio Panik 105.4FM on the 28.01.2016.

LISTEN (in french) :



posted by Mighty Mat in Interviews and have No Comments

RADIO SHOW 28.01.2016

Atomic Spliff

Atomic Spliff

Greetings Listeners! A New radio show on this thursday !

We’ll spread an interview with the reggae live band from Litch (Be) called Atomic Spliff & the Rebel dubz, interviewed by Mighty Mat at the Jamaica Funk party (05/12) @ Atelier 210 (Brussels) for their last show alongside Prince Fatty, Horseman, and Flavia Coelho. It’s been a long time we wanted to invite them at Panik Radio station, but our roads have crossed on a other musical junction !
To continue our magazine, we had select also some brand new tunes/releases from international dubmakers and labels. Today you’ll discover and listen to new productions from the first album of Sama Renuka (& Welders Hi-fi), the future release 12inch of Weeding Dub ft Mark Iration & Ras Divarius, some dubz from the last album of Mystical Faya, Ghana SoundMexican Stepper, and many more..!

In the second part of the show, we’ll play a Reggae Dub selection mixed by ourselves, Jokah Jeff & Mighty Mat, and Ichman on the groove! Dub it!

Let’s tune at 9.30 PM on Radio Panik!


Listen the first part (french speaking):


Listen the MIX:

posted by Mighty Mat in RADIO SHOW and have No Comments

RADIO SHOW 14.01.16 : best of 2015

best of 2015

best of 2015

Greetings Listeners! A New radio show this thursday !

For the first show of the year, we’ll give you the best releases of 2015!

Join us at 9.30 and stay with us till 11.30 on on Radio Panik, 105,4 FM


posted by Jeff in RADIO SHOW and have No Comments

RADIO SHOW 10.12.15.

Dawa Hifi

Dawa Hifi

Greetings Listeners! A New radio show this thursday !

In preview of Dub Au Quai#3, we’ll have AVL! and N-Tone in the studio. They’ll make a special set tonight but first there will be some tickets to win. Do remember, we invite Dawa Hifi this saturday at « Au Quai Colelctif » and of course Gamma Sound, AVL! and ourselves.

More informations here: www.facebook.com/events/492164367611128/492165700944328/

Join us at 9.30 and stay with us till 11.30 pm on Radio panik, 105,4FM / wwwradiopanik.org


posted by Jeff in RADIO SHOW and have No Comments

EVENT : Au Quai Dub#3



Come and enjoy our next dance. We’ll do it again with Collectif AuQuai. Last editions we had La Face B, Triple Dose, K-Sann and Culturel and this time, we’ll have the pleasure to invite our friend from Dijon : Val from Dawa Hifi.

Be sure to skank all night 🙂

Line Up :

Dawa Hifi (Val – fr)
ReservoirDub RadioShow
Gamma Sound (2 scoops)
Warm up by AVL!
and guests…

venue : Collectif AuQuai
adress : 23 Quai du hainaut, 1080 Brussels
price : 6 euros

Mores informations : www.facebook.com/events/492164367611128/

posted by Jeff in Events and have No Comments

RADIO SHOW 26.11.15.

First dawa 7inch

First dawa 7inch

Greetings Listeners! A New radio show this thursday !

We’ll spread  a lot of new tunes/releases from dubmakers and labels from all over the world. The first one is from Belgium with the two latests releases from Unlisted Fanatic and his recordlabel « Sir runnin records« . He worked with Parvez and Moonshine horns! The second one is from Dawa hifi, France. Val and Ben have just created their own label called « dawa outernational« . This first 7inch is featuring the uk singer King General. The last one is from Poland : Tribe 84 and proposes a 12inch with Violinbowy on each side… Digital style!!

But First, We’ll have the pleasure to listen the second edition of Jamma Dim’s time about roots culture

In the second part of the show, we’ll play a Reggae Dub selection mixed Joka Jeff ! We’ll play some dubplates from beljam and europe… Dub it!

Let’s tune at 9.30 PM on Radio Panik!

Listen the PODCAST:

The interview ( french speaking) :


The MIX :



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Reservoir Dub @ Catch my bass

Catch my bass

Catch my bass

Catch u this saturday 28th of november at the new edition of Catch my bass parties. We gonna play alongside AVL!, Dj Freaks, Dj Syns, High and Irie and Dj I-Son.  It will be at Au Quai Collectif, in the center of Brussels.

More informations here :


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