1. The Dub Machinist : in di valey
    2. The Dub Machinist feat. I-plant : Mass I pt 1
    3. The Dub Machinist feat. I-plant : Mass I pt 3
    4. Carlton Livingstone : stepper anthem
    5. Interview de Syrhill (Control Tower)
    6. Marga : the right road
    7. I plant feat Marga : right dub
    8. I plant : melodica cut
    9. I plant : ruff cut
    10. Parvez : Mr Bossman
    11. Weeding Dub : melodica cut
    12. The Dub Machinist :meditation dub pt3
    13. Muzikal Ben duppy dub pt 1
    14. Muzikal Ben duppy dub pt 3
    15. The Dub Machinist feat. Humble I : rethink and dub
    16. The Dub Machinist : kikkomandub 
    17. The Dub Machinist : earthquake

    18. The Dub Machinist : stepper anthem

    19. Humble I : sound of reality
    20. Weeding Dub : dub of reality pt 3
    21. Humble I : guide me
    22. Weeding : guidance dub
    23. Weeding Dub : source of zion
    24. Weeding Dub : source of dub
    25. YT : baby father (Weeding Dub remix)
    26. Weeding Dub : Baby father pt 2
    27. Weeding Dub : each & everyone
    28. I-tist & the Dub Machinist : flatron pt 1
    29. I-tist & the Dub Machinist : flatron pt 2
    30. I tist : kinshasa pt 1
    31. I tist : kinshasa pt 2

posted by Jeff in RADIO SHOW and have No Comments

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