Moa Anbessa

Moa Anbessa

New podcast!

Follow the link and listen our interview with Moa Anbessa, the italian soundystem and recordlabel. Joka Jeff met them in Ostende in the beggining of 2015 at a Black Pearl’s dance. They spoke to us about their career, the reggae-dub scene and about their famous release « watch dem ».

Moa Anbessa is a collective of experienced musicians and singers, a roots/dub reggae sound system and a recording studio based in Venice (Italy) and active since 2001 but in other forms since the early nineties. Moa Anbessa actually runs the « Venice Dub Club » roots and culture monthly session and is regularly having sessions around Italy and Europe. Moa Anbessa Studio unceasingly creates dubplate versions and exclusive music for some of the biggest international producers and sound systems

Listen the interview :


Interview realized and edited by Joka Jeff.  This interview was broadcasted on Radio Panik the 26 of march 2015.

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