EVENT 11.08.13 -> RESERVOIR DUB 5th B-Day @ Parc de Laeken



Reservoir Dub is celebrating his 5 years and we are doing it in the beautiful Laeken’s Parc for free. After 5 years of radio shows and interviews of different great artists and crews and 3 years of parties and collaborations, we want to share this happiness with you !
The celebration will be outdoor with sound system, activities for adults and children, bar and food stall.
Come with your friends, brothers, sisters and familly : All tribes welcome. It will be a gathering of reggae-dub music and good vibes.

Line up :
– Forward Fever
– Gamma Sound
– ReservoirDub RadioShow crew with : Mighty Patch, AVL, Joka Jeff, Jamma Dim and guests,…

on full Gamma Sound system!!!

FREE!!! – 11th August 2013 From 12:00 to 22:00
Adress : Rue du Gros Tilleul 1020 Brussels (Atomium)
FB event : www.facebook.com/events/594302633924658/
+ activities for adults and kids (live painting, chateau gonflable, sumo,…)
Bar & Food

Reservoir dub will also perform the previous day alongside belgians artists in Gent : Nature’s Dub (int landhuis) in Gent (BE)

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